Tomorrow marks the end of 2011 and the same time we welcome 2012. I will be home alone ! Geezzzz..... i am feeling emo for what? Till couple of weeks ago, I decided to have a new motto "Myself come first" and "I don't care, I am not bothered, I don't give a damn anymore!" Well, it actually works . I felt better and happier. It did'nt last. I got caught into the trap again and again history repeats itself. My heart is beating faster, angrier.. angry at everything and everyone. I want to enjoy the feelings i had couple of weeks ago when i put myself in front for once.............
Friday, December 30, 2011
Give and Take
It is normal when couples gives and takes in a relationship in order to make it work but i never heard of both sides trying. Always, its only one sided. The other is usually more selfish and self centred. Their own feelings are more important, their own time is more precious, its always themselves come first. I guess the relationship will work if there is one that is dominant and another ; submissive
Saturday, December 24, 2011
ho. ho. ho. . . . .
Santa knows who's been good and who's been bad..
how do you usually spend your christmas day? many chose to spend quality time with family by going for dinner at some fancy restaurant (i did.. at least for this year, usually every year i sit in front of my tv with remote in my hand) Year after year on Christmas day i always thought to myself negatively eg i have no life as i am sitting in front of my tv and of coz remote in my hand, checked my hp for some sweet messages from those who have me in their minds when they send christmas messages to their dear ones... this year, my dad decided for us to go out for dinner at some fancy restaurant. I thought "oh, this year, its going to be different than all the previous years.. some happening finally" Yet during dinner, i feel weird seeing all of us so eager to go back as soon as possible. What quality time spent when not much was spoken, no sweet nothings been exchange or what not...
Though the dishes were fantastic, it was a boring night but..... it is tonight that i finally understood that christmas eve, or any other day would be fun as long as you have a friend who is humorous.. You see, i have a friend who is so humorous even though we are communicating via whatsapp only... i have been laughing exchanging messages with her the whole night which make the time passed so fast and i finally understood !!! it came to me that its not "what" day that is important , its actually how our days are spent.. laughter is great medicine for stress and tension . for those of us that thought we should be obligated to spend time with family members yet it was a lifeless gatherings, what's so meaningful about that if our hearts are not there, right?
so how about it guys and gals out there? lets try our best to give more laughters to those around us..
Santa knows who's been good and who's been bad..
how do you usually spend your christmas day? many chose to spend quality time with family by going for dinner at some fancy restaurant (i did.. at least for this year, usually every year i sit in front of my tv with remote in my hand) Year after year on Christmas day i always thought to myself negatively eg i have no life as i am sitting in front of my tv and of coz remote in my hand, checked my hp for some sweet messages from those who have me in their minds when they send christmas messages to their dear ones... this year, my dad decided for us to go out for dinner at some fancy restaurant. I thought "oh, this year, its going to be different than all the previous years.. some happening finally" Yet during dinner, i feel weird seeing all of us so eager to go back as soon as possible. What quality time spent when not much was spoken, no sweet nothings been exchange or what not...
Though the dishes were fantastic, it was a boring night but..... it is tonight that i finally understood that christmas eve, or any other day would be fun as long as you have a friend who is humorous.. You see, i have a friend who is so humorous even though we are communicating via whatsapp only... i have been laughing exchanging messages with her the whole night which make the time passed so fast and i finally understood !!! it came to me that its not "what" day that is important , its actually how our days are spent.. laughter is great medicine for stress and tension . for those of us that thought we should be obligated to spend time with family members yet it was a lifeless gatherings, what's so meaningful about that if our hearts are not there, right?
so how about it guys and gals out there? lets try our best to give more laughters to those around us..
Friday, December 23, 2011
The phrase Three's a Crowd is very often used when referring to relationships, bffs or ...... ??
However, is it not every men's dreams to have threesome in bed? Seems this is now commonly practice in a smaller town near to where i am staying (neighbor). And they are in their 40s... so much excitement in their lives and so daring to try (being in a small town where news can spread like wildfire if a fly can fart) or maybe the women have done it many times ?? It is after all the girlfriend who introduce the other woman to him and suggested on threesome... Gosh ! was that man happy as hell to have such a generous and exciting girlfriend.. is this girlfriend for keeps or what??
Some women I do not understand.. and cant understand even if i try..
Both Husband and Wife has a mutual friend (woman) and is actually Wife's bff. One fine day, the Husband asked the Wife to introduce BFF to him for sexual needs. BFF agreed and WIFE drove BFF to the hotel to meet HUSBAND!! The husband told his wife not to wait up for them, he will call her to pick them up once they are done. (A well trained wife this one).
True enough the husband called the wife after they are done and they all went for food together.
Husband must be very good because BFF told her best friend the sex was great and he is huge!!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I have so many shoes I am so freaking happy but I dont know where to store them ... then i came across these pictures
Which do you think is better? ooohhh how I wish........
I really like the one with Christina and her son ... and the pink is so sweet...
Which do you think is better? ooohhh how I wish........
I really like the one with Christina and her son ... and the pink is so sweet...
I recently received this email from my friend . This is the feelings of hubby vs wife ... How true is it?
This is the best and most civil way to have a fight between husband and wife instead of resorting to physical force...
Poems written by WIFE and HUSBAND.

I wrote your name on sand it got washed.
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away.
Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack.
God saw me hungry, he created pizza.
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi.
He saw me in the dark, he created light.
He saw me without problems, he created YOU.
Twinkle twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far
The rain makes all things beautiful.
The grass and flowers too.
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?
Roses are red; Violets are blue
Monkey like u should be kept in zoo.
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but outside, laughing at you

Position of a Husband Is just like a Split AC
"Husband is
one who is the head of the family,
A man in Hell asked Devil:
Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper,
.............................. .............................. ..... 
and life goes on........
This is the best and most civil way to have a fight between husband and wife instead of resorting to physical force...
Poems written by WIFE and HUSBAND.
I wrote your name on sand it got washed.
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away.
Then I wrote your name on my heart & I got Heart Attack.
God saw me hungry, he created pizza.
He saw me thirsty, he created Pepsi.
He saw me in the dark, he created light.
He saw me without problems, he created YOU.
Twinkle twinkle little star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far
The rain makes all things beautiful.
The grass and flowers too.
If rain makes all things beautiful
Why doesn't it rain on you?
Roses are red; Violets are blue
Monkey like u should be kept in zoo.
Don't feel so angry you will find me there too
Not in cage but outside, laughing at you
Position of a Husband Is just like a Split AC
No matter however loud he is in the outdoor
He is designed to remain silent indoor...

.............................. .............................. .........
"Husband is
one who is the head of the family,
but his wife
is the neck, and whichever way she turns, he goes."

is the neck, and whichever way she turns, he goes."
.............................. .............................. ............
A man in Hell asked Devil:
Can I make a call to my wife?
After making call he asked how much to pay.
Devil : Nothing, Hell to hell is Free.

.............................. .............................. ....
Husband: Do you know the meaning of WIFE?
It means,Without Information, Fighting Every time!
Wife: No darling, it means - With Idiot For Ever
.............................. .............................. .....
Wife: I wish I was a newspaper,
So I'd be in your hands all day.
So I'd be in your hands all day.
Husband: I too wish that you were a newspaper,
So I could have a new one every day.
Doctor: Your husband needs rest and peace. Here are some sleeping pills.
Wife: When must I give them to him?
Doctor: They are for you!!

.............................. .............................. .......
Wife: I had to marry you to find out how stupid you are..
Husband: You should have known it the minute I asked you to marry me

.............................. .............................. .......
Wife: What will you give me if I climb the great Mount Everest ?
Husband: A lovely Push...!
and life goes on........
I always feel extremely "suffocated" when my youngest daughter is having her term exam. I cant say its stress, i just feel suffocated.. Why? .....
Because every time when there is a test or exam she refused to do her revision at home. I asked her to study and guess what is her answer... "I already study in school" and "I already went to tuition today". Yet she came home with red mark on Chinese subject. Her reason "I dont know how to do , what to do?"
Her exam has just ended and today , without my asking, she brought all her test papers to me and showed me the test results. I was like thinking " hmmmm...... what does she want this time?" .. she is doing something without anyone asking. After she finished briefing me her results, I finally understood... NO RED MARKS !!! Hooooooooooohoooooooooohooooooooo !!! Yaaaaaaaaa !!!!
I breathe again !!!! (even though her chinese was 41 and 40 is a passing mark!!)))
Because every time when there is a test or exam she refused to do her revision at home. I asked her to study and guess what is her answer... "I already study in school" and "I already went to tuition today". Yet she came home with red mark on Chinese subject. Her reason "I dont know how to do , what to do?"
Her exam has just ended and today , without my asking, she brought all her test papers to me and showed me the test results. I was like thinking " hmmmm...... what does she want this time?" .. she is doing something without anyone asking. After she finished briefing me her results, I finally understood... NO RED MARKS !!! Hooooooooooohoooooooooohooooooooo !!! Yaaaaaaaaa !!!!
I breathe again !!!! (even though her chinese was 41 and 40 is a passing mark!!)))
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Been quite a while since I last blog .... i do miss blogging as it is the only way I know how to say what I want to say and its very different from saying to another friend personally. The reaction from the other party is predictable so we cant say anything we want even though we are close friends, right? Not every bff shares same opinions and ideas. Deep down we are emotional and dependable on someone for some consoling words, some warm touch, some affections, someone to lend a shoulder for us to cry on.. bottom line is I need someone to understand me. Someone to understand what I am saying. Do I need to say it so many times to get the message across? Geezzzz....... its so tiring.
How about an unselfish platonic friend (without any mood swings like happening on daily basis please)? or How about a friend who always delivers what has been promised? . .. what has become of the world now? There are no sincerity nowadays. When someone says sweet nothings to me I just look at the person with a huge "?" above my head like .. "eu, do you know what you are saying?" even though those words could make me feel special. But for how long does it ever lasts? For that moment only. Next you find yourself facing the person who whispers sweet nothings to you with a new sight . Its like its all in your head, it never happen. After few weeks of calming down, then Boom...... again, history repeating itself. And Poof...... strangers again. It may be fun for some but it sure could drain my energies trying to figure a person out. Of course, its not worth my time, total waste of my time. Then why cant my head rule my heart? something like artery blockage??
When ever we watch movies, the advise given was ALWAYS "listen to your heart". I have never seen a movie where the actor says "listen to your Head"... All these movie producers need to get themselves updated with the latest trend. There are few around that is sincere in their Heart. Look at the number of scandals and cheating hearts. It is more common to see females cheat. In my school days, the children are "managed" by moms and dads are the bread winner. Seldom I see dads sending or fetching their kids from schools. Mostly moms. When children are sick, they call out for "mom". In today's world, you see dad waking up early to send kids to school because moms need time to get ready for work....... (well, thats what guys tell me) ;)
Are there any more sincere people out there? How do we know if they are?
I think my article today is like "rojak" ( a kind of dish available here in Malaysia. it has cut pineapple, cucumbers.. etc all add in and mix with a dark brown/black sweeten paste) because my heart is trying to rule my head.. hmmmmmm..................
How about an unselfish platonic friend (without any mood swings like happening on daily basis please)? or How about a friend who always delivers what has been promised? . .. what has become of the world now? There are no sincerity nowadays. When someone says sweet nothings to me I just look at the person with a huge "?" above my head like .. "eu, do you know what you are saying?" even though those words could make me feel special. But for how long does it ever lasts? For that moment only. Next you find yourself facing the person who whispers sweet nothings to you with a new sight . Its like its all in your head, it never happen. After few weeks of calming down, then Boom...... again, history repeating itself. And Poof...... strangers again. It may be fun for some but it sure could drain my energies trying to figure a person out. Of course, its not worth my time, total waste of my time. Then why cant my head rule my heart? something like artery blockage??
When ever we watch movies, the advise given was ALWAYS "listen to your heart". I have never seen a movie where the actor says "listen to your Head"... All these movie producers need to get themselves updated with the latest trend. There are few around that is sincere in their Heart. Look at the number of scandals and cheating hearts. It is more common to see females cheat. In my school days, the children are "managed" by moms and dads are the bread winner. Seldom I see dads sending or fetching their kids from schools. Mostly moms. When children are sick, they call out for "mom". In today's world, you see dad waking up early to send kids to school because moms need time to get ready for work....... (well, thats what guys tell me) ;)
Are there any more sincere people out there? How do we know if they are?
I think my article today is like "rojak" ( a kind of dish available here in Malaysia. it has cut pineapple, cucumbers.. etc all add in and mix with a dark brown/black sweeten paste) because my heart is trying to rule my head.. hmmmmmm..................
Sunday, January 9, 2011
I was circling for nearly 30 minutes looking for a space to park my car when I saw a man, a small kid around 2 year + old and his wife walking very fast to their car. They were walking as if they are running for cover from the rain but it was a sunny day. Imagine my excitement to see a car park space available for me ~ soon.
Quickly, setting my car signal to "reserve" the space, I noticed they were taking very long to move. The windows were slightly tinted. I look again and to my shock! I saw him throwing her handbag at her face. She was sitting at the back whilst the kid was in the front seat. Of course, her husband is in the driver's seat. He threw her handbag to her face when she last went into the car. She touched her face , said something (i think) and he turn to the back and slapped her so hard few times that their car was like a bit rocking. After the constant slapping, pulling her hair, he strangled her! .. for quite sometime. Then I saw the kid crying and climbing to the back to her mother. I was so shocked I just dont know what to do. To continue waiting, to approach their car pretending to ask if i can have their car park space asap or to ignore and leave. But i have already circled the entire block for a space to park for so long I dont feel like giving up this space. One car is already at the back of me, the driver too didnt dare to honk , I think he saw what I saw too.. So I move my car to park behind this abusive man's car. When he saw that he stop beating up his wife and quickly reverse his car and sped off. I cant imagine what he will do to her when they get home.
I decided to reverse my car into the empty parking lot. While keeping my signal on, slowly reversing into the empty lot, one guy just drove quickly into that lot and nearly knock my car. I was so annoyed, I open my car door and told him I was reversing to the space and he should not have just drove into it. He was actually laughing at me! can you imagine that?? what kind of world is this? what happen to mankind? I was so so annoyed I told him to move his car, he said something that i cannot hear. But from his body language and waving hands, I think he told me he has already park and my car was not even the space, only had a signal on. However, after witnessing the drama of the abusive husband, I really do not have good impression of men who do not respect women. And this idiot driver definitely fits the category so I argue with him and lastly he walk up to his car, open the car door, put his key in the ignition, turn , start up the engine yet he is still standing outside the car nagging some words that I can barely hear.
Thats how I got my space back. I noticed that these bullies will only bully the weak. Not many will actually stop them from taking the space. If this would have happen to my other half, he will just drive off grumbling some uneducated driver stole his car park space.
Geezz... I really don't understand why some men need to be abusive ~ at all irregardless to whom.
Few years back, I heard an acquaintance of mine was abuse by her husband. Her husband works in a bank, a very quiet man, mild mannered and soft spoken. Then her mother taught her son in law a lesson by engaging few gangsters to beat him up each and every time he lay a hand on her daughter. That helps to stop the beating and ended up with a divorce. Luckily she was able to divorce him.
To all the women or even men who has been or is still being abuse by someone you trust to take care of you or love, do not be afraid or ashamed to tell your friends about it. If you dont feel comfy telling someone you know, look for the "Help" call centre and talk to someone. Take the big step and leave the guy or woman. If he/she truly loves or want to take care of you, he/she would not have hurt you in the first place. Wake up! Its happening to you now, what if your children is next??
Quickly, setting my car signal to "reserve" the space, I noticed they were taking very long to move. The windows were slightly tinted. I look again and to my shock! I saw him throwing her handbag at her face. She was sitting at the back whilst the kid was in the front seat. Of course, her husband is in the driver's seat. He threw her handbag to her face when she last went into the car. She touched her face , said something (i think) and he turn to the back and slapped her so hard few times that their car was like a bit rocking. After the constant slapping, pulling her hair, he strangled her! .. for quite sometime. Then I saw the kid crying and climbing to the back to her mother. I was so shocked I just dont know what to do. To continue waiting, to approach their car pretending to ask if i can have their car park space asap or to ignore and leave. But i have already circled the entire block for a space to park for so long I dont feel like giving up this space. One car is already at the back of me, the driver too didnt dare to honk , I think he saw what I saw too.. So I move my car to park behind this abusive man's car. When he saw that he stop beating up his wife and quickly reverse his car and sped off. I cant imagine what he will do to her when they get home.
I decided to reverse my car into the empty parking lot. While keeping my signal on, slowly reversing into the empty lot, one guy just drove quickly into that lot and nearly knock my car. I was so annoyed, I open my car door and told him I was reversing to the space and he should not have just drove into it. He was actually laughing at me! can you imagine that?? what kind of world is this? what happen to mankind? I was so so annoyed I told him to move his car, he said something that i cannot hear. But from his body language and waving hands, I think he told me he has already park and my car was not even the space, only had a signal on. However, after witnessing the drama of the abusive husband, I really do not have good impression of men who do not respect women. And this idiot driver definitely fits the category so I argue with him and lastly he walk up to his car, open the car door, put his key in the ignition, turn , start up the engine yet he is still standing outside the car nagging some words that I can barely hear.
Thats how I got my space back. I noticed that these bullies will only bully the weak. Not many will actually stop them from taking the space. If this would have happen to my other half, he will just drive off grumbling some uneducated driver stole his car park space.
Geezz... I really don't understand why some men need to be abusive ~ at all irregardless to whom.
Few years back, I heard an acquaintance of mine was abuse by her husband. Her husband works in a bank, a very quiet man, mild mannered and soft spoken. Then her mother taught her son in law a lesson by engaging few gangsters to beat him up each and every time he lay a hand on her daughter. That helps to stop the beating and ended up with a divorce. Luckily she was able to divorce him.
To all the women or even men who has been or is still being abuse by someone you trust to take care of you or love, do not be afraid or ashamed to tell your friends about it. If you dont feel comfy telling someone you know, look for the "Help" call centre and talk to someone. Take the big step and leave the guy or woman. If he/she truly loves or want to take care of you, he/she would not have hurt you in the first place. Wake up! Its happening to you now, what if your children is next??
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