Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Is Jealousy acceptable? Is it human nature? Personally I feel Jealousy is an emotion that everyone has. If there is one person you feel has no jealousy feeling at all, then you are Wrong. He / She never shows any jealousy emotions because He / She is good at controlling their emotions. Some may regard this as having very good EQ. Female genders are more out spoken when it comes to emotional issues whereby male genders tend to keep their feelings to themselves. (I am not from the male gender. But my guess is maybe they feel it would be safer to pretend nothing happen. Best to keep quiet. Or else the night would never end. hahaha)

So, back to my question. Is it acceptable? ............. Yes?...........No?.............Don't know?..............

Some women complaint their partners do not care for them. Why? because they said their partners are not the jealous type. .. One girl said she will feel so high and in love all over again if her boyfriend can just show some jealousy emotions for Once. One Time. Just One Time. (maybe she should be careful what she wished for. One time can lead to Two times and Three times and on and on. Then its break off time or stuck for life )

One guy said how he wished his new bride is still the same woman before exchanging their vows. Before becoming MR. & MRS. , he has the freedom to hang out with his friends and his MS. has never complaint or control him. Now, his MRS. told him "You are now a married man. Why are you still hanging out with your friends every night? Don't go out. " Is this a case of jealousy? or Is this a case of Queen Control? Let's face it Ladies, Girls, Aunties, Women of all walks of life. We tend to be more protective after exchanging vows. Why? Is it Love? Are we insecure? Is it because we don't trust the other half to make the right decision when meeting opposite sex? ... Nah! We are just being loving , right Girls?

MEN. Give us women a break. Try to be more considerate. We are after all the Sensitive types. We are such good listeners that we listen to each and every word you say. Word by word. We then opt to read between the lines. Of course we also try to be a facial fortune teller by reading the signs from your expressions. (Scary huh?.. i hope i did not scare off all the single guys out there). But we, women, will always be there by your side, when you are sick, when you are sad, when you are happy and of course when you are rich.. Its not that we are after your money, we just want to teach you the skill of saving money for rainy days (if possible, in women's bank account) :)

Question of the day : Is Jealousy Acceptable? Or Is it Jealousy? Maybe Love? Tell me or us, readers, your side of the story..

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