Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Most of us seldom makes the time and effort to go for yearly medical checkup. I , myself, am scared stiff of going... well, I am scared of several things.. for one, the thought of going, two, the smell of medicines and disinfectant at the clinic or hospital, and most of all, I am so scared of hearing a negative result.. It's the big 'WHAT IF'?

What if its something bad? what if......................... the list goes on...

Anyway, I know its not healthy to have this negative thoughts. One should face their fear and make it a habit to get the medical examination done yearly.. But still, knowing the benefits of it is one thing but really put in the effort and going through the medical examination is another. No matter what others say, it still scares me to bits.

Whoever thought of ourselves being unhealthy. When an insurance guy calls up on us, we tell them we are super fit! thats cause we are not sick. What about inside of us? How do we know for sure , right?

Someone close to me actually is even more scared of hospital and worst the encounter with a doctor. But because of the delays he put up to visit a doctor, he was later found to be Cancer positive. Should he have reached out to us, he would have known he will not face this alone. Ignoring the symtoms he's having, getting it check 2 years late doesnt help. Luckily, everyone of us is very supportive and encouraging. People say, normally when one is lost they turn to God. .. Hey, its true... I know he's feeling very sad and down inside even if he's trying to show us he's strong. I have never seen him broke down in spirit before .. it was during the reading of the biopsy results that i truly understand his fears.... his fears of pain, his fears of leaving everyone behind, .. he's not ready..

I am glad he's chose to fight this............... and I am confident he will succeed !